Jan Rune Dimmen

Jan Rune Dimmen

Rådgiver Research og Analyse
+47 994 09 622

Jan Rune works with recruitment within various industries and companies, including construction, finance, management and IT. He focuses on assisting key people with administrative tasks related to the entire recruitment process. Jan Rune carries out everything from the design of advertisements, search, application handling, testing and quality assurance, as well as other administrative work. Jan Rune has a continuous dialogue with candidates and clients, and helps to ensure that the customers’ needs are secured in an efficient way with high quality.

Jan Rune has completed two bachelor’s degrees in real estate and economics and administration respectively.  He also has a master’s degree in economics and administration (civilian economist) with specialization in management. Before starting at Capus, he was responsible for property tax in Kongsberg municipality.


2022 – t.d.          Researcher – Capus AS

2021 – 2022       Property tax case manager – Kongsberg municipality

2020 – 2020      Finance employee – Tusenfryd


2019 – 2021        Master in economics and administration (management) – NMBU

2018 – 2019        Bachelor in economics and administration – NMBU

2015 – 2018         Bachelor in real estate – University of Western Norway


Authorized user of tools for testing personality, abilities and skills, values ​​and motivation (AON)

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