Nathalie Backer Smulders

Nathalie Backer Smulders

+47 470 83 841

Nathalie Backer Smulders has a broad and varied experience with executive search and recruitment of managers, middle managers and specialists. Nathalie has particularly good insight and expertise within the finance and property industries.

Nathalie’s portfolio is characterized by long-standing customer relationships, in the private and public sectors. She maintains a close cooperation with customers to ensure the best possible recruitment process. Nathalie is known to be an experienced, knowledgeable and service-minded consultant. She has very good insight into the industries she works with, and contributes actively as an advisor and sparring partner for her clients.


2020 – d.d.     Partner – Capus AS
2019 – 2020    Senior advisor – Capus AS
2018 – 2019    Advisor – Capus AS
2018 – d.d.      Research Manager – Capus AS
2016 – 2018    Researcher – Capus AS
2016 – 2016    Project coordinator – Capus AS
2015 – 2016    Recruitment assistant – Capus AS
2009 – 2015   Customer manager and supervisor – Maxbo Vækerø
2013 – 2014    Academic student supervisor – Høyskolen Kristiania


2012 – 2015    Bachelor im HR og Personnel Management – Markedshøyskolen
2013 – 2013    Exchange semester – University of  California Berkeley
2010 – 2011    Annual study of French – University of Agder
2011 – 2011    Exchange semester – Université de Caen, Basse Normandie


Aon (formerly Cut-e)

  • Aptitude and skill tests
  • Personality tests
  • Motivation and value tests


Our consultants

Kåre Sele Krogedal

Rådgiver / Leder Capus Rogaland

Malin Stenquist


Bilde - Tom Erik Ringheim-Øverbø

Tom Erik Ringheim-Øverbø