No more ghosting! 👻

  • Date published: 31.10.2022

These days there are a lot of ghosts on the move. And they are appearing in many recruitment agencies’ social media. Why? Because we want an end to job seekers feeling exposed to “ghosting”.

What is “ghosting”? The term is often used of friends or romantic relations that suddenly disappear – without a word. Unfortunately, this is also the case for many job seekers. “I applied for a job, but never heard back.” That is a phrase we have heard way too often. It’s time to put an end to it. 

This Halloween, when the ghosts are out in the streets, we remind both ourselves and everyone else in recruiting that “ghosting” of candidates is no joke. Job seekers made an effort, they wrote an application and participated in the job interview. They have shown an interest in your company. 

That effort should be paid back with a well thought through response from you as recruiter, even if the candidate wasn’t relevant for the vacant position.

Remember, the candidate that wasn’t right this time, might be absolutely perfect for your next recruitment. We at Capus know that very well. 

Therefore, we would very much like to keep you in our candidate base. We will also notify you when someone else was offered the position. And maybe the job that is perfect for you is just around the corner?

Nevertheless, we may go wrong, and miss that call. Did you not hear back from us in a reasonable amount of time? Then please say so – send us an SMS, an e-mail or call us . Because we’re not ghosting anymore 

Check out our “No more ghosting” campaign here.

Have a fun Halloween! 👻